Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Catching up

Well it has been too long hasn't it?

Lots has happened since I last wrote. Raiden has started 2nd grade. And except for double digit subtraction is loving it. Judge is now in Kindergarten. So far he likes it. The both absolutely LOVE riding the bus. No surprise there eh? Ender is ruling the world and loving every minute. He thinks he can tell all what to do, and some days he doesn't like finding out that that isn't so. Jenner is growing by leaps and bounds. He is four months old and such a delight. I think he might be getting teeth. Kind of exciting but not fun if that ends up being what is causing him discomfort.

Kale is back to work. Which is a good thing.. When you don't have major plans for the summer and end up staying home most of the time with kids tempers can flare with to much testosterone around.

I am working...and have been since I came back from my maternity leave in June. It was nice not having to be anywhere, but deciding where and when I would go out. It isn't bad being back, but a coworker accepted a job elsewhere so I am filling in for her position right now. I do not enjoy working 40 hrs a week. I hate leaving my kids with a sitter that long. Hopefully by the end of September they will have a replacement for her...

Well that is us in a nutshell. For the time being...

Monday, May 18, 2009


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I did it!

Well amazing things can happen. I didn't have much to do with this one, but it is amazing anyway. I went in for my two week check up yesterday. And I do have to brag, even if this was the easy part. Since Jenner was born I have lost 27 lbs!!! Amazing! Now if only the rest of the weight were that easy to say goodbye too!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

He made it!!!

Well I am relieved and excited to say my "little" guy is here. Sad when my little is as big as these boy's get but he is too cute for words. Yes! I am biased, but he still has a special charm all of his own. We only went through eight hours labor on Wednesday, eight hours of labor on Friday, and twenty five minutes and one emergency C-Section later he was born. So I am putting that all together to get my labor total. 16 hrs and 25 minutes. Rather short for one of our kids..

Jenner Paul Peacock
Born 04/24/09
9 lbs 7 oz
21 1/2 inches

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

On our way!

We just got the call! Yipee! So depending on how slow or quick this goes he will be here before today is over, or first thing tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

D Day is Here

Three kids later you think you wouldn't be nervous, excited, or going plain crazy. Yet here we are. Number four is just hours away from his arrival and I have the same feeling I did when we went in for number one.

So tomorrow he will be here, hopefully we have enough names in our barrel for one to work for him and we wont take so long on naming this one. Can't wait to tell you all about him!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fun and Games

The boys had their Primary Activity Day on Saturday. It was a little cool, but when you tell kids to go and find Easter Eggs that ceases to matter. Judge didn't want to go at first, but he doesn't appear to be too reluctant anymore, does he?

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Who'd a thought? I entered the boys and myself in a family tournament. They had a lot of fun coming up with names for their teams. Picking out the actual winners wasn't the funnest but they did that too. Raiden is Slasherriffic and Judge is Vader Smasher. Raiden unfortunately is at the end of his luck. He has Oklahoma winning one more game and then the rest of his is a bust. Sorry, Raiden. It is nice to support your daddy in wanting BYU to win, but it didn't pan out.

Judge is doing a little better. He picked BYU to go all the way as well, sorry again, but the rest of his picks were varied enough that he has hope for a few more points.

So good luck to all participating, and as the boys favorite show would say, May the Force be with You!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Well at my most recent Dr's appointment we were told no more than 4 weeks! Yeah. So before April is over he will hopefully be here. We are aiming for something under 9 lbs. 7 or 8 lbs would be a wonderful thing...

Friday, March 13, 2009


Just thought we should share a glimpse of what spring in Nevada can look like briefly. This is of course right after the rains and winds and right before the hot, hot, hot!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Is it wrong to wonder if you can be an exception to the rule with time changes? Kale and I are really not looking forward to this one. The kids have been getting up earlier and earlier and staying up later and later.....shouldn't that be switched somehow?

They must smell the big impeding change of the baby coming soon. Why else would they all of a sudden change their routines, habits, and sometimes even their personalities?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Birthday Countdown

Well, imagine that. Once again we are in Birthday countdown mode. Judge is ubber excited that he only has 16 days, even though that is still tooo long. Raiden is happy as well that now it is only 18 days till his. I am not sure of all the plans they have in their little heads, but I know for sure that they will be excited with the day we have planned. On the Saturday after their birthdays we are taking a trip to Las Vegas to go to the Lied Children's Museum. It is one of those that everything is totally hands on. The kids have been once or twice and think it is just dynamite!

There is everything from giant bubble makers (meaning the bubbles encase the children) to the electric ball that makes their hair stand on end. Who doesn't want to play with that?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Date Night

Well, Kale and I are taking a plunge tonight.
I finally found someone brave enough to take on our three "angel's" tonight. It can be a daunting task.
We will either stick around Mesquite and go to a movie or to dinner, or we might even go for the gusto and drive to St. George for an adventure of our own.
Either way it will be nice not to have the boys around, and have a peaceful dinner.
They can be a lot of fun, but eventually having the place we eat at decided by who has the best playgrounds available gets a little old. Del Taco, McDonald's, Burger King or Carl's Jr.'s. Let's put it this way...Burger..Burger...Burger...Taco?! What great choices!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Birthday's and Valentines

We had a semi successful Valentine's day this year. It always makes it a little challenging to have Kale's birthday and that day all rolled together. We made the "wise" choice I do believe of putting off going out to dinner til next week. It gets so crazy in this little town on Valentine's day. All the different buffet's and restaurants have their specials and it is nutty. We passed a line of cars waiting to get into the Eureka. It was two blocks long.

The boys were excited though to give Kale his presents that they picked out. He received shorts from them. In their varying ranges of choice colors, maroon and black from Ender, black and blue from Judge, and gold and black from Raiden (to which Kale said gooooo Emery!). And finally against my better judgement a computer game from me. It was the only thing he he got it...

The boys loved their Valentine gifts (yes we do gifts instead of candy) of a jump rope for Raiden, and giant bubble wand for Judge, and a car for Ender. Ender also adopted/took ownership of the gift Kale gave me. It is a giant Valentine caterpillar. Ender loves, loves, loves giant stuffed animals of all sorts and he has proudly commandeered my recent acquisition.

So Happy 33rd to you Kale, and Happy Valentine's Day to the rest of us!...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's getting there

Well we are about there. I went to my doctors this week and the end is in sight. My due date is May 5th, but if things keep progressing the way they are, and we assume they will, he will definitely start me at least a week early!

Soon baby, soon!