Friday, February 20, 2009

Date Night

Well, Kale and I are taking a plunge tonight.
I finally found someone brave enough to take on our three "angel's" tonight. It can be a daunting task.
We will either stick around Mesquite and go to a movie or to dinner, or we might even go for the gusto and drive to St. George for an adventure of our own.
Either way it will be nice not to have the boys around, and have a peaceful dinner.
They can be a lot of fun, but eventually having the place we eat at decided by who has the best playgrounds available gets a little old. Del Taco, McDonald's, Burger King or Carl's Jr.'s. Let's put it this way...Burger..Burger...Burger...Taco?! What great choices!


Lyon Pride said...

I hope you have a great night!!

Mari said...

So where did you end up going? I hope it was a nice evening out.

Cammie said...