Friday, March 28, 2008

My party so I will....

No, not cry if I want to, but sometimes I do....

If you would have told me when I was younger what my life is like today, I don't know how I would have handled it. I am so happy we have three beautiful boys, but other than that...I don't know....

Mesquite is not my favorite place in the world. In fact, I don't know if it would make my top fifty. I highly doubt it. The summer heat will be hitting us soon. Right now we are having temps in the 80's. Too hot to soon.

Having my days divided between Judge and Ender makes life interesting to say the least. They are not polar opposites, but sometimes they might as well be. Judge is constantly going and trying to drag me with him...usually in the wrong direction. Ender feed him, change him, and let him outside and you probably wouldn't hear a peep out of him till he needed food or another diaper change. But they do make my eyes want to cross sometimes. You want to blow a whistle or horn and yell FREEZE! I wonder if that would work? Probably for Judge, but it might just scare Ender.

I am anxious to get out of this apartment we are currently renting. I know there are woes wherever you go, and that in a renting situation we will probably never be truly happy, but give me a BREAK! or at least ear protectors. Something to drown out the noise....

Isn't it given that if you live below someone that you will be getting at least sound residuals from them just being the normal person, let alone throw three small children into the deal? I am tired of constantly being blasted, and by blasted I mean you can make out the lyrics, the music and feel the bass in your stomach, by annoying music. Everything from hard rock, rap and of course Avril Levigne. It would be nice not to have to worry that oops, Judge slammed the door and then jumped off of his couch! Now to be blasted for 52 minutes and 34 seconds.

Well the good news is, we only have five, not quite six months of renting here, and then we hopefully will find somewhere else to live. I really pray that we find something very time consuming to do with our summer so that we aren't home much!!

In the mean time, at least I have those wonderful moments with the boys that crop up. Playing games, telling eachother stories, and my current favorite, rocking Ender to sleep at night...having him fall asleep in my arms has to be the most rewarding, wonderful thing in the world. You don't know how glorious it feels to have this little bounding piece of heaven snuggle into your arms and drop into a deep sleep. A definite feel good moment.


Misty said...

Hey, Hallie!

Good to hear from you again! I was worried you had dropped off the face of the cyber planet. Hang in there, you're going to make it! :) You'll just have to come up to visit us a lot during the summer so you're not in your apartment very long! :)

Mari said...

Oh, Ender is the cuddliest baby I've ever met! At least you don't have drug dealers (literally) and filthy-dirty, lazy, Jazzie scooter-riding-because-they're-too-fat-to-walk as your neighbors. At least the latter comes in handy when I need to throw dog poop over the fence. But I've seen your neighbors. I think we have a tie when it comes to white trash.