Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Da, Dum...Da, Dum.....Da, Dum...(Jaws)

This is it. Is everyone ready for it?....Are you holding your breath? This is the big week on CSI. What will happen to Jorja Fox? Go out quietly? With a big bang? Who knows with CSI. They brought her on by having a rookie murdered, so turnabout is fair play.

With the writers striking I am awfully glad that the few shows I do watch have some pre-filmed. I guess that way I can go through withdrawals later when I am more prepared. If not, I guess I can always rent the series through the library and watch them again. Not to mention that the last season will be coming out on DVD. I could always start there.

Also...newsflash...Don't forget Project Runway aires this Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

You are a great Mom! I don't know that much about motherhood, but I really admire you and what a hard working mom and person you are! You go girl!