Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thankful for..

Well I am certainly thankful for my three boys. Ender is getting to be such a BOY. He isn't a toddler at all. He wants to do what big boys do and you just can't tell him differently. Judge is precious. He loves playing with his soccer team. Yesterday he scored 5 goals for his team. They won 5 to 1. He is such an aggressive little slugger. Raiden just melts my heart at times. He is reading books with REAL sentences he says. Not just simple words. It makes me realize that he is growing up so fast. To think six years ago he was just a baby in my arms...


Grandma Rindy said...

Hallie, can i just tell you that you have precious little boys. I love every one of them. Their personalities are so different.
Can't wait to see your whole family soon. tell the boys hi
grandma Lona