Saturday, September 22, 2007


Well, it is that time of year again. No not football, but the annual trying to get your kids picture taken.

It would have gone a lot smoother if the Walmarts in our area hadn't closed their portrait studios. So we went up to Cedar City. We figured that way we can get their pictures done and get a CHS football game in too.

Oh My Gosh! Ender is the best baby ever I have decided. He was so cooperative. He smiled and giggled so much. The hardest thing was to keep his hands out of his mouth. I can't wait to get his pictures back. dum... Judge! Very frustrating. If a child is going to give me gray hair, he will be the one. Threw a fit from beginning to end...No matter what...We did get some good photos...but nothing in comparison to Ender's. So we will see in a few weeks how well they turned out...

We also took in a soccer practice today. It was so cute to see Raiden kicking the ball around. Even better was watching him get excited about making a goal... I got to give the kid credit...He knows how to celebrate a good thing...


Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.