Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I was so excited about a job interview I had today. I thought things were going good, and the possibility of a new job always helps, and add to that the opportunity to move out of here.... But they called to cancel the interview yesterday. I am supposed to receive a call to reschedule...lets see how that works..

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Girl Time

I am so excited! It is finally here! Our somewhat annual girl trip to Vegas! I know, I know. I live eighty miles from Vegas so why am I excited? Because of the girl trip part! It has been a while since I have done anything with a bunch of girls. I am constantly surrounded by testosterone abounding boys. The change in scenery will be most welcome. Three days, two nights of shopping or whatever our girly hearts desire, or can afford.

Plus I will get to see my cuz Ashley. I don't know the last time I was able to do something with her. With her moving all over Utah, and me having the three boys to look after our schedules don't really mesh. So here's to the good times. May they be fun while we are having them, and may they last a long time...