Friday, December 7, 2007

7th Heaven

Not to toot my own horn, but we are celebrating our seventh anniversary. I can't believe we have been married for seven years. Of course if you take our three kids and divide those years by them, it is amazing. We have had a kid every 2.37 years if you figure it mathematically.

But it has been a wonderful, fun, stressful, crazy, irrational, emotional, and spiritually growing seven years. You think you know it all, then you get married and you find out otherwise, correct?

I am so glad to be married to Kale. I can't picture my life without him, and that includes his Peacock sense of humor that he has. I can't picture my life without our children either, but without him it would be insane. It is nice to know you have someone there to fall back on, when the kids have driven you to the point of pulling out hairs, or when you want to talk, or just to sit and watch TV with. Companionship is what they call it I do believe. It is so wonderful to have a companion. We might not always get along, but I do think that is part of the fun of being married. Finding out the similarities you have and the big deep differences. You can talk about both, but it is the differences that make things interesting.

But for our anniversary we went to a new restaurant in St. George. It is the Texas Roadhouse. Great food and good prices. Later, probably tomorrow on our "actual" anniversary, we will drink some sparkling cider and celebrate with the kids instead of leaving them with a sitter...they should enjoy that.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Catch up

Man you can get busy with other stuff. I have been keeping the family blog up to date, and I am sad to say have let my own personal blog slide. But what else do you think would happen with the holidays around the corner.

We had a successful Thanksgiving dinner. The first of our soon to be seven years together, that we ate alone as a family. No traveling this time. It was nice not having to travel, but I do miss family at these times. We did get our tree put up today. The kids were so excited. I let both Raiden and Judge help put on ornaments. They were proud of the job they did. And I will admit, for a three and five year old their tree decorating skills are pretty darn good.

Ender is growing like crazy. It seems like just yesterday we were proud of him rolling over. Now he rolls all around and sits up on his own. He loves sitting up, and I know he will love it even more when he figures out the crawling thing. Ender also learned that a bottle can be his friend. You show him one and boy what a happy camper he is. I hate to see the end of nursing him, but I think we will both be better off at this point. If that kid wasn't twenty pounds and approaching two and a half feet I think I would still try to manage..but it isn't meant to be. He has discovered you can have fun with your tongue. Now he constantly sticks it out and makes weird faces at you. I told kale it made me think of the band kiss, so we took one of his photos and doctored it just a tad, can you tell?